Monday, July 7, 2008

Fourth of July Weekend

We enjoyed such a wonderful Fourth of July. My in-laws are here for the summer and it was so nice to spend a leisurely day with them. We barbecued chicken and sweet potato fries, had some yummy appetizers (fresh veggies/dip and cheese bread), enjoyed a pie from Pie Company in La Connor, sipped on wine, talked, played with the kids, watched fireworks and just had a great time. Marc and I took the kids for walk in the wagon in the mid morning (Here is a terrible picture of me and the was so windy, but what else do you expect by the lake). It was a nice walk. We even went through a model home on our way back. Check out little A in the amazing kitchen of the model home. Wow! The home is pretty pricy, but has some amazing designer touches that our home does not have. The interior design, as well as architecture is very eye catching and appealing. I love the darker wood too. The rest of the weekend we played with the kids, worked a little on the basement addition and well I read.

Yes, I am a reader, but I have not been into a series of books like this since I don’t know when. I didn’t think the Twilight series would really grab my attention. It is a series aimed at a teen audience where a junior in high school falls in love with a vampire. The author Stephanie Meyer is an incredible writer. I love the way she allows the reader to get into the characters thoughts. It is really a well done series. I have read the first two books Twilight and New Moon in a little over four days. I was amazed at how much I love these books. Once I post this post I will be off to workout and start the third book, Eclipse while my kids are napping. I have very little time to read and why not multi-task and read while I work out. I try to do both well, but I am sure my workout is not as intense if I am reading. Oh well. I am addicted to these books. If you are looking for a great summer read I highly recommend this series, although be careful they are very addictive.

1 comment:

Katie said...

love those books!