Just in case you wanted to know a little more about me here it goes....
1. Where is your cell phone? .................in my purse on the counter.
2. Your significant other?.......................watching television, getting off of his back…difficult day for pain.
3. Your hair?.................................... My hair is where it always is, hanging off of my head. I guess it is a little dirty. Looking forward to my morning shower.
4. Your mother? .................................a good mother and now a good grandmother
5. Your father?....................................He is Heaven, smiling down at his daughter having to mother an incredibly strong willed, first child who is just like her mother, only busier.
6. Your favorite thing?..........................I am not sure I have one...my kiddos, but they're not things...would a bargain count?
7. Your dream last night?......................non-memorable
8. Your favorite drink..........................Crystal Light Immunity drink in pomegranate cherry.
9. Your dream/goal?..............................this is a tough one. I have a few that I am not willing to really share…I guess my dream, goal is to live a happy, simplified, earth friendly, fun, loving life. I want to be the best me I can be.
10. The room you're in?..........................my new office/scrapbooking/craft space
11. Your children?.....................................sleeping in their bed and crib
12. Your fear?...................................something happening to my husband or children
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years...........happy, healthy, and out of debt.
14. Where were you last night?...................upstairs in my bed
15. What you're not?.............................a good pregnant person.
16. Muffins......................................are yummy, but are just cake that you can legitimately eat for breakfast.
17. One of your wish list items?.................there are just too many to really name. I guess a little camera that is really small and fits inside my purse.
18. Where you grew up?..........................sunny California
19. What you read last........................Velvet Elvis (well I have a few chapters still to go)
20. What are you wearing?....................... Jeans, J Crew hooded sweater I bought used. Oh, don’t forget the open toed shoes.
21. Your TV?.....................................watched when I work out every morning.
22. Your pets?...................................Annoying! I think pets are just too much work once you have children.
23. Your computer? .........................overused
24. Your life?...................................in transition
25. Your mood?...................................neutral
26. Missing someone?..........................I miss my friends back in California. Don’t get me wrong, my Washington friends are great, but I miss the old ones that know me so well, especially the pre-pregnant Jen.
27. Your car?....................................Honda (which I love), but gas is so expensive I think we are homebound.
28. Something you're not wearing?................socks
29. Favorite Store?..............................Three way tie between the kids thrift store, Target and Pottery Barn (although, I can’t afford to purchase much of anything there) Craigslist is my online favorite place to purchase.
30. Your summer?.................................not started yet, it is still pouring rain in the great state of WA.
31. Like someone?................................I like all of my wonderful friends. There are so many wonderful women in my life. I am very fortunate to have the mom network that I do.
32. Your favorite color?.........................the color of my office walls…in the blue family, not light blue, not slate or azure, but the perfect Pottery Barn Blue
33. Last time you laughed........................tonight after dinner at Marc’s cousin and her husband’s stories.
34. Last time you cried?........................I can’t remember…it wasn’t that long ago though. I tend to have at least a bad day once a week if not more frequent. Although, lately I have just been getting angry instead of crying.
By the way the pillow picture is just something that I thought was cute and would love for my new office. The sweater and bag are something that I want to try to make one of these days...when I have the time of course. :)