Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Free is Good

Today one of my favorite blogs featured a free promotion for paint samples. It was so easy. I visited the website, chose my colors, called Freshaire (the paint company) and they are sending three free samples of paint. I am so excited. I am not sure what I can paint with each two ounce sample, but it will be fun to find something and they are free. I am all about free stuff these days. I guess I have always been that way. In high school a few of my friends and I had a saying, "Free is good!" I still hold true to that.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Diapering Dilemmas

Diapers are my life right now or so it seems with two kids in diapers. I am hoping to potty train Big A at the beginning of summer, but I just don't think she is ready right now. Little A and Big A both wear the same size diapers and it is not cheap to diaper both of them. I figured it out and I am spending about $80 a month on diapers for the two of them. That is with coupons, purchasing name brand and non-name brand diapers, buying in bulk or however I can swing it. Unfortunately, both my kids are heavy wetters so in order to not have to do laundry every morning I either have to double diaper them at night or purchase night time diapers. I recently researched switching to cloth diapers, but that requires upfront monies and I don’t think that will fit in our budget right now. I am still contemplating it though.

I am curious. Which diapers do you like? Where do you find the best deals? Have you tried cloth and if so tell me about your experiences with the traditional diapering method? What about leaks, which diaper have you found is best for leaks? Little A is notorious for leaks. I end up changing his clothes at least once if not twice a day. I think the record was last month at 4 cloth changes due to leaks in one day. My boy is a heavy wetter, what can I say. How about night time, does anyone else have kids that wet a lot at night? I just started this blog and this is my first time posting questions, I would love to read your thoughts in the comments section.

A fellow mom blogger has settled on Pampers for her cruising boy. Read about her experiences and a enter a comment for a chance to win some diapers or training pants for your little one.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Print Coupon from Walgreens Today Only

Have you ordered your free 15 prints from Walgreen's photo yet? Today, April 15th is tax day and in honor of that, Walgreens is giving away 15 free prints. Just go to their website and enter the code TAXDAY in the coupon section on the preview photos page before checking out. I ordered mine and hubby is picking them up after work. Free is good!

Felt Finds

Isn't this brown bag of pretend food just darling? It is made by the company Lilly Bean Market. The company began with a mom who wanted her son to be able to use his imagination and play pretend without getting sick from led paint. These products look amazing. I would love to get my little ones some of these felt finds. You could win this brown bag yourself; go to the link below to enter to win.