Monday, August 31, 2009

I apologize!

I have neglected my blog. Terrible, I know! I am OVERWHELMED! I have been working the past two weeks before I take 12 weeks off for childcare leave. It is amazing how exhausting it has been, plus three kids under three. Ugh! Well I apologize for being a flaky blogger. I am hoping to be back to blogging next week. I have so many ideas for posts I just need to take the time to write them. :)

This little one is a huge reason for not getting much of anything done. Baby A is such a joy. We just love her to pieces, but she has been attached at the hip and it is hard for me to put her down without her complaining about it. I can only wear her so much in the carrier before we both get tired of it. Anyways, we are still in transition from a family of four to a family of five. I am hoping to figure out how to be super mom in very soon. I really miss having a clean house and decorated home. I am on this decorating kick. I will hopefully post on it very soon. I hope anyone who still my reads my blog is doing well. :)